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Using the Job Queue

If your plugin involves long-running tasks, you can take advantage of the job queue system that comes with Vendure. This example defines a mutation that can be used to transcode and link a video to a Product’s customFields.

// product-video.resolver.ts
import { Args, Mutation, Resolver } from '@nestjs/graphql';
import { Ctx, RequestContext } from '@vendure/core'
import { ProductVideoService } from './product-video.service';

class ProductVideoResolver {

  constructor(private productVideoService: ProductVideoService) {}

  addVideoToProduct(@Args() args: { productId: ID; videoUrl: string; }) {
    return this.productVideoService.transcodeForProduct(


The resolver just defines how to handle the new addVideoToProduct mutation, delegating the actual work to the ProductVideoService:

// product-video.service.ts
import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { JobQueue, JobQueueService, ID, Product, TransactionalConnection } from '@vendure/core';
import { transcode } from 'third-party-video-sdk';

class ProductVideoService implements OnModuleInit { 
  private jobQueue: JobQueue<{ productId: ID; videoUrl: string; }>;
  constructor(private jobQueueService: JobQueueService,
              private connection: TransactionalConnection) {}

  async onModuleInit() {
    this.jobQueue = await this.jobQueueService.createQueue({
      name: 'transcode-video',
      process: async job => {
        // Here we define how each job in the queue will be processed.
        // In this case we call out to some imaginary 3rd-party video
        // transcoding API, which performs the work and then
        // returns a new URL of the transcoded video, which we can then
        // associate with the Product via the customFields.
        const result = await transcode(job.data.videoUrl);
        await this.connection.getRepository(Product).save({
          id: job.data.productId,
          customFields: {
            videoUrl: result.url,
        // The value returned from the `process` function is stored as the "result"
        // field of the job (for those JobQueueStrategies that support recording of results).
        // Any error thrown from this function will cause the job to fail.  
        return result

  transcodeForProduct(productId: ID, videoUrl: string) { 
    // Add a new job to the queue and immediately return the
    // job itself.
    return this.jobQueue.add({ productId, videoUrl }, { retries: 2 });

The ProductVideoService is in charge of setting up the JobQueue and adding jobs to that queue. Calling

productVideoService.transcodeForProduct(id, url);

will add a transcoding job to the queue.

Note: plugin code typically gets executed on both the server and the worker. Therefore, you sometimes need to explicitly check what context you are in. This can be done with the ProcessContext provider.

// product-video.plugin.ts
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { PluginCommonModule, VendurePlugin } from '@vendure/core';
import { ProductVideoService } from './product-video.service'
import { ProductVideoResolver } from './product-video.resolver'

  imports: [PluginCommonModule],
  providers: [ProductVideoService],
  adminApiExtensions: {
    schema: gql`
      extend type Mutation {
        addVideoToProduct(productId: ID! videoUrl: String!): Job!
    resolvers: [ProductVideoResolver]
  configuration: config => {
      name: 'videoUrl',
      type: 'string',
    return config;
export class ProductVideoPlugin {}

Finally, the ProductVideoPlugin brings it all together, extending the GraphQL API, defining the required CustomField to store the transcoded video URL, and registering our service and resolver. The PluginCommonModule is imported as it exports the JobQueueService.

Subscribing to job updates

When creating a new job via JobQueue.add(), it is possible to subscribe to updates to that Job (progress and status changes). This allows you, for example, to create resolvers which are able to return the results of a given Job.

In the video transcoding example above, we could modify the transcodeForProduct() call to look like this:

import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

class ProductVideoService implements OnModuleInit { 
  // ... omitted
  transcodeForProduct(productId: ID, videoUrl: string) { 
    const job = await this.jobQueue.add({ productId, videoUrl }, { retries: 2 });
    return job.updates().pipe(
      map(update => {
        // The returned Observable will emit a value for every update to the job
        // such as when the `progress` or `status` value changes.
        Logger.info(`Job ${update.id}: progress: ${update.progress}`);
        if (update.state === JobState.COMPLETED) {
          Logger.info(`COMPLETED ${update.id}: ${update.result}`);
        return update.result;
      catchError(err => of(err.message)),

If you prefer to work with Promises rather than Rxjs Observables, you can also convert the updates to a promise:

const job = await this.jobQueue.add({ productId, videoUrl }, { retries: 2 });
return job.updates().toPromise()
  .then(/* ... */)
  .catch(/* ... */);