🚨 Announcing Vendure v2 Beta


Using addTranslation inside the onApplicationBootstrap (Nestjs lifecycle hooks) of a Plugin is the easiest way to add new translations. While Vendure is only using error, errorResult and message resource keys you are free to use your own.

Translatable Error

This example shows how to create a custom translatable error

 * Custom error class
class CustomError extends ErrorResult {
    readonly __typename = 'CustomError';
    readonly errorCode = 'CUSTOM_ERROR';
    readonly message = 'CUSTOM_ERROR'; //< looks up errorResult.CUSTOM_ERROR

    imports: [PluginCommonModule],
    providers: [I18nService],
    // ...
export class TranslationTestPlugin implements OnApplicationBootstrap {

    constructor(private i18nService: I18nService) {


    onApplicationBootstrap(): any {
        this.i18nService.addTranslation('en', {
            errorResult: {
                CUSTOM_ERROR: 'A custom error message',
            anything: {
                foo: 'bar'

        this.i18nService.addTranslation('de', {
            errorResult: {
                CUSTOM_ERROR: 'Eine eigene Fehlermeldung',
            anything: {
                foo: 'bar'


To receive an error in a specific language you need to use the languageCode query parameter query(QUERY_WITH_ERROR_RESULT, { variables }, { languageCode: LanguageCode.de });

Use translations

Vendure uses the internationalization-framework i18next.

Therefore you are free to use the i18next translate function to access keys