🚨 Announcing Vendure v2 Beta

Shipping & Fulfillment

Shipping in Vendure is handled by ShippingMethods. Multiple ShippingMethods can be set up and then your storefront can query eligibleShippingMethods to find out which ones can be applied to the active order.

A ShippingMethod is composed of a checker and a calculator. When querying eligibleShippingMethods, each of the defined ShippingMethods' checker functions is executed to find out whether the order is eligible for that method, and if so, the calculator is executed to determine the shipping cost.

Creating a custom checker

Custom checkers can be created by defining a ShippingEligibilityChecker object.

For example, you could create a checker which works with a custom “weight” field to only apply to orders below a certain weight:

import { LanguageCode, ShippingEligibilityChecker } from '@vendure/core';

export const maxWeightChecker = new ShippingEligibilityChecker({
  code: 'max-weight-checker',
  description: [
    { languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Max Weight Checker' }
  args: {
    maxWeight: {
      type: 'int',
      ui: { component: 'number-form-input', suffix: 'grams' },
      label: [{ languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Maximum order weight' }],
      description: [
          languageCode: LanguageCode.en,
          value: 'Order is eligible only if its total weight is less than the specified value',

   * Must resolve to a boolean value, where `true` means that the order is
   * eligible for this ShippingMethod.
   * (This example assumes a custom field "weight" is defined on the
   * ProductVariant entity)
  check: (ctx, order, args) => {
    const totalWeight = order.lines
      .map((l) => (l.productVariant.customFields as any).weight * l.quantity)
      .reduce((total, lineWeight) => total + lineWeight, 0);
    return totalWeight <= args.maxWeight;

Custom checkers are then passed into the VendureConfig ShippingOptions to make them available when setting up new ShippingMethods:

import { defaultShippingEligibilityChecker, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';
import { maxWeightChecker } from './max-weight-checker';

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  // ...
  shippingOptions: {
    shippingEligibilityCheckers: [

Creating a custom calculator

Custom calculators can be created by defining a ShippingCalculator object.

For example, you could create a calculator which consults an external data source (e.g. a spreadsheet, database or 3rd-party API) to find out the cost and estimated delivery time for the order.

import { LanguageCode, ShippingCalculator } from '@vendure/core';
import { shippingDataSource } from './shipping-data-source';

export const externalShippingCalculator = new ShippingCalculator({
  code: 'external-shipping-calculator',
  description: [{ languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Calculates cost from external source' }],
  args: {
    taxRate: {
      type: 'int',
      ui: { component: 'number-form-input', suffix: '%' },
      label: [{ languageCode: LanguageCode.en, value: 'Tax rate' }],
  calculate: async (ctx, order, args) => {
    // `shippingDataSource` is assumed to fetch the data from some
    // external data source.
    const { rate, deliveryDate, courier } = await shippingDataSource.getRate({
      destination: order.shippingAddress,
      contents: order.lines,

    return { 
      price: rate, 
      priceIncludesTax: ctx.channel.pricesIncludeTax,
      taxRate: args.taxRate,
      // metadata is optional but can be used to pass arbitrary
      // data about the shipping estimate to the storefront.
      metadata: { courier, deliveryDate },

Custom calculators are then passed into the VendureConfig ShippingOptions to make them available when setting up new ShippingMethods:

import { defaultShippingCalculator, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';
import { externalShippingCalculator } from './external-shipping-calculator';

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  // ...
  shippingOptions: {
    shippingCalculators: [

Dependency Injection

If your ShippingEligibilityChecker or ShippingCalculator needs access to the database or other providers, see the ConfigurableOperationDef Dependency Injection guide.


Fulfillments represent the actual shipping status of items in an order. When an order is placed and payment has been settled, the order items are then delivered to the customer in one or more Fulfillments.


It is often required to integrate your fulfillment process, e.g. with an external shipping API which provides shipping labels or tracking codes. This is done by defining FulfillmentHandlers (click the link for full documentation) and passing them in to the shippingOptions.fulfillmentHandlers array in your config.

By default, Vendure uses a manual fulfillment handler, which requires the Administrator to manually enter the method and tracking code of the Fulfillment.

Fulfillment state machine

Like Orders, Fulfillments are governed by a finite state machine and by default, a Fulfillment can be in one of the following states:

  • Pending The Fulfillment has been created
  • Shipped The Fulfillment has been shipped
  • Delivered The Fulfillment has arrived with the customer
  • Cancelled The Fulfillment has been cancelled

These states cover the typical workflow for fulfilling orders. However, it is possible to customize the fulfillment workflow by defining a CustomFulfillmentProcess and passing it to your VendureConfig:

export const config: VendureConfig = {
  // ...
  shippingOptions: {
    customFulfillmentProcess: [myCustomFulfillmentProcess],

For a more detailed look at how custom processes are used, see the Customizing The Order Process guide.