🚨 Announcing Vendure v2 Beta

Vendure Blog

Release announcements and technical articles from the Vendure team

What's Up With E2E Tests?

End-to-end tests are slow, unreliable, and a pain to maintain, right? That’s the reason they occupy the smallest slice of the testing pyramid. So why does Vendure currently have ~1000 e2e tests, vs ~500 unit tests?

Announcing Vendure v1.0.0-beta

It is with great excitement that we announce the release of Vendure v1.0.0-beta.1! This is the first release of the v1.0 pre-release phase, in which we plan no further breaking changes, and only relatively small changes in the run-up to the final v1.0 stable release!

Announcing Vendure v0.18.0

We are excited to announce the release of Vendure v0.18.0! This release brings huge improvements in the handling of taxes, fulfillments, orders and more. This will also be the final release before we move to the v1.0 phase! Watch the video below for more details about the roadmap.

Announcing Vendure v0.17.0

We are excited to announce the release of Vendure v0.17.0! This release introduces improved stock control capabilities, custom permissions, and more!

Announcing Vendure v0.16.0

We are excited to announce the release of Vendure v0.16.0! This release introduces some major changes aimed at helping you build rock-solid, fault-tolerant e-commerce applications.

Announcing Vendure v0.15.0

We are excited to announce the release of Vendure v0.15.0! Read this blog post to learn about the major new features and breaking changes in this release.

Announcing Vendure v0.14.0

We are excited to announce the release of Vendure v0.14.0. This is a pretty big release with some breaking changes that will require some action when you upgrade.

Vendure v0.13.0: The Customer is Always Right

The formula of a successful e-commerce business contains many ingredients, but one is more important than all others: the customer. To that end, we’re very excited to announce the release of version 0.13.0 of Vendure!

Announcing Vendure v0.12.0

We’re very excited to announce the release of version 0.12.0 of Vendure! This release includes a bunch of features geared towards real-world production deployment of Vendure as we move towards v1.0.

Announcing Vendure v0.11.0

We’re very excited to announce the release of version 0.11.0 of Vendure! This release includes a complete re-write of the Vendure job queue system, upgrades the underlying Nest framework to v7, and much more.